• 賽事總規 Rules and Regulations

    1. 本賽事主要為音樂愛好者而設,歡迎任何國籍的選手參加,最多可同時報名參加四個項目。
    2. 每份報名表格只可填報參加一個項目的比賽。如參賽者參加多於一個項目的賽事,則需要填寫另一份報名表格。
    3. 參賽者如符合報名資格,未足歲數的參賽者亦可越級參加較年長的組別。
    4. 賽事籌委會將在 2023 年 8 月份開始公布進入決賽的名單。同時,亦會透過地區承辦單位或電郵通知各組別的入圍參賽者,其姓名均會在 2023 年 8 月份開始於官方網站 www.hkmusic.hk 或公眾微信號 HK_IMF 公布。
    5. 參賽者必須於決賽遴選前在網上註冊帳戶才可以登入官網核實個人參賽數據和查看進入總決賽的名單。此外,賽事籌委會要求所有參賽者把已核實繳交報名費用的收據副本,連同有效旅遊證件(附有近照)的副本繳交給當地初賽主辦單位統一收集,如當地未有賽事主辦單位,參賽者可將資料發送至賽事籌委會提供的電郵地址或郵寄到賽事籌委會地址:香港新界葵湧工業街10-14 號華發工業大廈 ( 後座 )10 樓 8 室
    6. 賽事舉辦期間,所有參賽者必須於指定的比賽時間開始前 20 分鐘到達比賽場地辦理登記手續。遲到者可被取消比賽資格。
    7. 比賽規定所有曲目,選手必須背譜演奏;伴奏、小組和團體除外。( 如臨場視譜演奏,將扣分處理 )
    8. 比賽選手須自行準備其伴奏演奏的原裝樂譜。
    9. 總決賽的出場次序將會由賽事籌委會決定,參賽者不得異議。
    10. 所遞交作參賽的錄像需為未經任何剪接的錄像。參賽者可透過網站的賬戶上載遞交其參賽錄像資料(以報名到達時間為準)。
    11. 參賽選手必須為其所提供的資料的版權擁有人。而參賽者須明白及確認賽事籌委會使用其提供的資料的權利(包括所遞交的相
    片、錄音、錄像,以及上 載於賽事官方網站的資料)。
    12. 參賽選手必須向賽事籌委會查詢能否提供其參賽時所需用的樂器,必須獲得賽事籌委會書面確認,才代表會為其在賽場準備該使用的樂器。
    13. 賽事籌委會借出的樂器並不確定其質素,參賽選手必須自行承擔借用樂器的演奏品質風險。
    14. 參賽選手借用樂器期間,必須愛惜及妥善保護該樂器,如因非自然損壞,參賽選手須賠償借用樂器之維修及更換配件費用。
    15. 如遇上因不可抗力因素、天災人禍、惡劣天氣或其他任何特殊原因,賽事籌委會有權隨時更改比賽場地及時間表,直至另行通告。有關已繳的報名費均不獲退還。
    16. 各組別名次若有並列者(多於一名選手),評審委員會有權將獎金作平分的分配。而獎品的安排則由評審委員會決定,但不會作平均分配。
    17. 優勝者必須出席頒獎儀式領取獎項。而各樂器組別取得首名的優勝者須出席由籌委會安排的優勝者音樂會演出。否則,賽事籌委會有權取消所頒發的獎金和獎項。
    18. 賽事籌委會將對參賽者在優勝者音樂會演出的出場人選、次序和曲目作出安排。而全場總冠軍將在演出當天時評分並實時公布及頒獎。
    19. 評審委員會有權按照實際情況而於任何組別增設額外獎項。同時,若參賽者的演出未達到本比賽所規定的水準或要求,評審委員會有權不頒發任何獎項、名次及該名次之獎品和獎金,同時允許名次留空,參賽者不得異議。
    20. 獎金將於賽事完結後,以電匯或過賬形式發出,並按當時的匯率折算相應貨幣,海外電匯產生的有關附加收費,賽事籌委會將不負責。
    21. 任何人士均不得對評審委員所決定之最終比賽成績作出異議 , 評審委員會和賽事籌委會的裁決為最終決定 , 任何人士均不得異議。
    22. 評審委員有權於比賽中途終止參賽者的演出,參賽者不得異議。
    23. 若參賽者與評審委員會成員有任何親屬關系必須於申請表格內詳細列明。此外,若參賽者與評審委員會成員內有老師與學生的關系。該評審委員不可在評核該組時為該參賽者評分。如有違規者,其參賽資格將被取消。
    24. 任何人士不得在比賽場地內進行未經準許的攝影、錄音或錄像。賽事籌委會是唯一有權安排的攝影、錄音或錄像的機構。同時,賽事籌委會有權使用及發布相關的影音錄像作推廣和商業用途,無需要取得參賽者的同意。參賽者須同意事籌委會擁有在比賽中取得的攝像和一切相關的影音錄像的擁有權。
    25. 所有參賽者及在場人士,必須小心保管個人財物以及負責樂器的安全。如有任何損壞及遺失,主辦單位及賽事籌委會均不會負責。賽事籌委會建議參賽者在參賽前自行購買對應的安全保險。
    26. 參賽者有責任自行尋找合適的保險機構,查詢一切外遊保險的事宜。包括不可抗力因素、天災人禍、醫療、個人傷亡、個人財產和樂器的保險,以保障參賽者在旅途和賽事進行時有可能發生的意外等的情況。參賽者須認同主辦方和協辦方及各參與單位,對上述潛在事宜的發生不負有任何法律責任,且當在繳交報名費後,均視作默認同意。
    27. 參賽者(包括未成年參賽者的父母和老師)在報名時所填報和遞交的資料必須屬實和正確。
    28. 所有費用一經繳付,不論任何原因(如遇上不可抗力因素、天災人禍、教育局宣布停課、違反比賽章程、私人理由、染病、學校活動等),一律不獲退還。
    29. 參賽者(包括未成年參賽者的父母和老師)須明白和同意本賽事總規和章程。參賽者如有違反任何條款,賽事組委會和評審委員會有權取消其參賽資格,而已繳交的報名費、活動費或參賽費亦將不獲退還。
    30. 賽事籌委會保留對比賽總規和章程的最終解釋權。若有任何有關本活動的爭議發生,賽事籌委會的裁定為最終的裁決,任何人仕均不得異議。

    31. 主辦機構及賽事籌委會有權在任何時間修改本比賽的所有數據和規則,所有最新消息將以官方網站為準。

    1. Musicians of all nationalities worldwide are welcomed to join the HKIMF competitions. Each contestant may apply up to a maximum of four categories.

    2. One division for each enrollment form. Contestants entering more than one division should submit separate Enrollment forms.

    3. Contestants may join older age divisions if they fulfill the relevant requirements.

    4. The HKIMF Organizing Committee will announce the Final Round Entrants List fromJuly 2023. Finalists will also be notified through their Regional Offices. Names of the Finalists will be on The Final Round Entrants List, to be announced on the HKIMF Official Website  www.hkmusic.hk  or HKIMF Official WeChat: HK_IMF.

    5. Online applicants must register an account before the District Preliminary to view their enrollment data and Final Round Entrants』 list. Besides, HKIMF Organizing Committee require the contestants to submit the final round payment slip copy, photo and valid travel documents to the Regional Organizers for central processing. Contestants from areas with no Regional Organizers, should send all documents to hkimf@hkmusic.hk or mail to competition committee office: Unit 8, 10/F, Rear Block, Wah Fat Industrial Building, 10-14 Kung Yip Street, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong.

    6. Contestants must report themselves at the reception of the competition venue 20 minutes prior to their designated time. Latecomers may be disqualified.

    7. Contestants must perform their repertoires from memory. Accompanists and Group divisions contestants are exempted. (Marks will be deducted for score-reading performance)

    8. Contestants must bring the original version of their repertoire scores.

    9. The order of performances in the Final Round will be determined by the organizers. Contestants shall raise no objection.

    10. Preliminary Round Videos must be unedited. Contestants may send vides online or post a DVD disc.

    11. Contestants must be the copyright owner of the works they submitted. Besides, contestants agree and understand that the HKIMF Organizing Committee has the right to use all the submitted materials including photos, recordings, videos or any uploaded information in any situation.

    12. Contestants must consult the HKIMF Organizing Committee in advance on whether certain instruments could be used in the competition. They can use them upon receiving written confirmation from the HKIMF Organizing Committee.

    13. Contestants should understand and accept the quality differences HKIMF leased instruments. They shall bear the entire risk of damage to the instruments from any cause during the term of the lease.

    14. Contestants shall keep the instruments in good conditions. Instrument repairs and accessory replacement fees will be charged for any artificial damage.

    15. The committee reserves the right to reschedule the competition date and halls in the case of adverse weather or other emergency conditions.

    16. HKIMF Awards may be awarded to more than one winner. The Organizing Committee reserves the right for equal distribution of cash prizes. Other prize items will be distributed based on decisions from the HKIMF Organizing Committee with no equal distribution guaranteed.

    17. Award-winners must be present in prize presentation ceremonies. Winners from all divisions must perform in the Winner』s Concert during the HKIMF Closing Ceremony. In the event of an absence, the committee has the right to cancel the prizes and cash awards to the winner.

    18. The jury will determine the performance repertoire and order for the winners at the Winner』s Concert. The Champions will also be announced and awarded in the same event.

    19. The jury reserves the right to award extra prize(s) for any divisions. They could also withhold any awards to any division if the contestants do not meet the required competency.

    20. Cash prizes (except Championships) will be distributed on after Final Round result announced. Failure to collect the cash prize will be considered as giving up the prize and the organizer will not re-issue the cash prize in any format afterwards.

    21. Jury Panel has the final decision on the competition results with no objections. Decisions from HKIMF Jury Panel and Organizing Committee are final. Contestants shall raise no objections.

    22. The jury retains the right to stop any performance without objection from the contestants.

    23. Contestants must declare all relations they may have with any Jury Members. Failure to declare such relationships will result in immediate disqualification. Jury may not adjudicate the contestant if they possess teacher-student relationships. Violation will result into disqualification.

    24. Unauthorized photography, audio, and/or video recordings are strictly prohibited. The committee reserves the sole right to record and document the competition. The committee also has the right to release any recordings (such as DVDs, CDs, etc.) for publicity or commercial purposes without seeking further approval from the contestants or make payments of any kind to them. The contestants agree that all copyrights of these recordings belong to the HKIMF Organizing Committee.

    25. Contestants and other HKIMF participants must take appropriate actions to ensure the safety of their musical instruments and personal belongings. The HKIMF Organizing Committee is not responsible for any damage to or loss. Contestants are advised to purchase their own insurances for protection.

    26. It is also the responsibility of the contestants to seek insurance themselves such as: medical, personal injury and death, loss or damage to properties and musical instruments, to protect themselves from possible accidents, fire or theft during HKIMF competitions and their own journeys. Contestant should understand that the Hong Kong International Music Festival and the Grandmaster Orchestral Music Society shall bear no legal responsibility for the abovementioned potential accidents.

    27. Contestants (including parents/teachers of underaged contestants) declare that the information in the enrollment form and any supplementary materials in the are true and correct. False declarations and breaching regulations are grounds for immediate disqualification.

    28. Fee paid are non-refundable for any grounds (including class-suspensions, violations of competition rules, personal reasons, sickness and school activities).

    29. Contestants (including parents/teachers of underaged contestants) declare that they understand and agree with the rules and regulations of the competition. Violation any of the above competition regulations will result in immediate disqualification at the discretion of the competition committee and jury, without refund on enrollment fees, activities fees and administrative fees.

    30. The committee reserves the final rights for to explain the Rules and Regulations. For any disputes regarding to this event, the decisions by the HKIMF Organizing Committee shall be final. No one shall raise any objection.

    31. The HKIMF Organizer committee has the right to amend any of the HKIMF details and regulations at any time without prior notice. The latest information on HKIMF Official Website and On-site announcements shall be final.